Sites & cities that bear the name of Dunns Pond Mound

Dunns Pond Mound

Today in : United States of America
First trace of activity : ca. 3rd century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 6th century C.E

Description : The Dunns Pond Mound is a historic Native American mound in northeastern Logan County, Ohio, United States. Located near Huntsville, it lies along the southeastern corner of Indian Lake in Washington Township. In 1974, the mound was listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a potential archeological site, with much of its significance deriving from its use as a burial site for as much as nine centuries. It is believed that the Dunns Pond Mound was built by the prehistoric Hopewell peoples at some point between 300 BC and AD 600. While approximately twenty mounds have been recorded around southeastern Indian Lake in modern times, it is likely that many more once existed in the area. When the Miami River was dammed in 1860 to support canal traffic, Indian Lake became far larger than its natural boundaries. Farmland became lake bottom and small hills became islands; the mound suddenly lay near the shoreline, and a small bay of the lake immediately south of the mound was later named Dunns Pond. Consequently, if villages or mounds existed northwest of the Dunns Pond Mound, they have been submerged.

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